Next week is camp week in February

I am almost ready to welcome stampers to February camps — will you be stamping with us?

Monday, February 14 (2nd Monday) — 6:15-8:45 p.m. — at Pat’s home (548 S 2nd St, Rochelle).
Tuesday, February 15 — 6:30-9:00 p.m. — at my home (322 Fairmont Dr, DeKalb).
Wednesday, February 16 — 6:30-9:00 p.m. — at my home (322 Fairmont Dr, DeKalb).
Thursday, February 17— 12:30-3:00 p.m. — at my home (322 Fairmont Dr, DeKalb).

Stamp camps – creative workshops using rubber stamps, ink, and paper — are open to anyone who is interested, whether experienced or new to this paper crafting hobby.  You’ll always find friendly and helpful stampers who will welcome you.

To register, contact me by Sunday the week of camp, so I can be sure to have enough materials.  Pre-payment is not required.  Your $15 fee covers all supplies and materials for four projects, envelopes for cards, and step-by-step printed instructions.  Make one additional set of projects for just $5 more — let me know when you register so I am prepared.  Remember to bring your poly envelope for your completed cards, as well as your own adhesive and scissors.  It is your choice to wear a mask; hand sanitizer and wipes will be available for everyone to use.

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