Share Sunshine!

Stampin’ Up! is committed to making a difference in our global communities and caring about people first. As part of its Making a Difference program, Stampin’ Up! is offering a product giveback opportunity to support organizations that are helping COVID-19 frontline responders and communities vulnerable to the pandemic.

The Share Sunshine PDF Download is a digital stamp set that’s packed with both lighthearted and heartfelt sentiments and imagery relevant to the unique COVID-19 and social distancing situation we’re currently experiencing –- including many ideas that came from Stampin’ Up! customers!  You can use the download in your cardmaking and papercrafting projects by printing the images on cardstock and cutting them out with our Paper Trimmer, punches, or dies. Images are both in black and color, and instructions indicate coordinating colors and products.

When you purchase the 15-page Share Sunshine PDF Download for $12 (US), 100% of the proceeds will be donated to COVID-19 efforts to these two funds chosen by Stampin’ Up! (and you can chose which organization receives the proceeds from your order):

The World Health Organization’s COVID-Solidarity Response Fund — This fund supports the Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan, which includes:

  • Tracking and understanding the spread of the virus.
  • Ensuring patients get the care they need.
  • Buying and shipping essential protective gear for frontline workers.
  • Generating awareness for the general public on ways to prevent the spread of the disease.
  • Accelerating efforts to develop vaccines, tests and treatments.

United Way Worldwide’s COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund — This fund supports communities across the world struggling to cope with COVID-19. United Way is working to protect the most vulnerable by helping them access food, shelter, vital information, and more through United Way’s global network.

Since we are physically distanced from each other, now is a perfect time to share sunshine with our friends and family by sending cards! Come back tomorrow and see what I’ve done with the Share Sunshine images so far!

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